FALL TEA CARRY OUT Saturday, October 24. 11am - 1pm

We miss our teas in the Parlor, but this
is the next best thing! Order carry out
Tea for Two on Saturday, Oct 24, with
generous servings typical of our traditional
menu. We hope to see you soon back in
the building!
DETAILS: Guests can drive into the parking adjacent to the church between 11am - 1pm and the
meal will be delivered directly to their car. The tastes of fall will be reflected in the four course
menu which includes tea bags from Harney & Sons.
Maple Brown Sugar Scones
Pumpkin Spice Scones
White Cheddar Leek Quiche
Seasonal Greens with Apple and Poppyseed Dressing
Cranberry Chicken Salad in Puff Pastry
Roasted Vegetable and Cream Cheese Tea Sandwich
Classic Egg Salad Tea Sandwich
Apple Ginger Pound Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
Meringue Kisses
Dark Chocolate Cakelet
Guests are asked to pay $40 in cash or check upon arrival. The meal includes
generous proportions for two. Proceeds from the tea support the beautifully
staged St Paul’s Nativity Festival which opens on Thanksgiving Day from 4-7pm.
For more information, or to make reservations contact kate@stpaulstoledo.org.