Build A Bed for local children

More than 800 students have applied to receive a bed, because they do not sleep on one. These students are primarily in Lucas and Wood counties.
HeART Gallery/St Paul's Lutheran is asking for help to solve this problem. We believe that every children's deserves a bed and the opportunity to succeed after a restful night's sleep. Let's Build will be "up and running" this summer. All equipment and supplies are provided. We need volunteers willing to cut, sand, assemble or deliver the twin-bed frames. Matresses, bedding and a pillow are also provided
free of charge. Let's Build is a non-profit organization founded by Mike Horvath. It is our pleasure to partner with them this summer.
If you can help build or donate to the cause, please contact or call 419.270.3224. Help us reach our goal this summer of providing beds for students!