The HeART Gallery Holiday Cookie Festival opens Saturday, Oct 12 and Thursday Oct 17 with a inspirational and entertaining panel of speakers.
Saturday, Oct 12
Brad Gessner, finalist in the American Baking Show filmed in London's British Bake-Off tent will share stories of baking surrounded by 17 cameras and rowdy hosts!
Bailey Koester, author of Mama Needs A Martini will share samples of her Mulled Merlot cocktail paired with a cranberry shortbread cookie.
Laurie McKenna, Pillsbury Bake-Off winner will demonstrate her winning Greek Nachos - made in an air fryer.
Kathy Sweeney, Wood County Blue Ribbon winner will share her prize winning recipe - an Orange Cranberry drop cookie with glaze.
Doors open at 11:30 to view the staged Holiday Cookie Table, take photographs, pick up recipes, watch demos and browse the Cookbook Corner - gently used cookbooks that you can take home with you.
Lunch will be served at noon and speakers will
begin at 12:35. Suggested donation for the event is $20.
Speakers on Thursday, Oct 17 include Katie Pettee, local B&B owner and other local bakers.
RSVP or 419.270.3224 to attend