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Lunch & Learn THURSDAY SEPT 16 at noon

HeART Gallery will exhibit a juried show from the Handweavers Guild of American called “Small Expressions”. The show is a collection of two and

three dimensional fiber artwork by creatives from around the country. Each piece is no larger than 15” and the intricate detailed work is quite remarkable.

A return to our monthly Lunch & Learn events will begin

Thursday, September 16 at noon. A discussion on the

exhibit will be held with homemade soups, salad, bread and dessert for free, but donations are appreciated.

"Small Expressions" can be viewed during most weekdays between 10am - 2pm and evenings by appointment.

Please call Kate Philabaum before attending to confirm hours due to Covid and other activities (419.270.3224). Reservations are not required, but appreciated to


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