HeART Gallery will host “Inside My Heart”, a documentary film by Canadian filmmaker Debra Kellner, on Wednesday, June 26 from 6-8pm. The movie follows three families, who are forced to flee war-torn Syria and Afghanistan, seeking safe harbour on foreign shores. In the wake of unthinkable atrocities and having the lives they’ve known wrested away, these people – mothers, fathers, sons and daughters – exhibit remarkable resilience as they fight for survival. Filmed over a three year period, the movie helps viewers better understand the hopes they have for their children, and sheds light on the global crisis that has seen more than 68 million people driven from their homes. The viewing is co-sponsored with US TOGETHER, an assistance agency founded in 2003, in response to the needs of refugees in Ohio. A Q&A will be held after the film which coincides with World Refugee Day organized by the United Nations Refuge Agency. HeART Gallery is located in St Paul’s Lutheran Church, 428 North Erie Street in downtown Toledo. There is free parking adjacent to the church. Dips and sips will be served. For more information contact