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Caravaggio Inspired Dinner and trip to TMA

The Network of Christians in Visual Arts (NCVA) invite you to a Caravaggio inspired dinner at HeART Gallery. We will

gather in the gallery at 5:00pm for apps and drinks. Dinner buffet will be served at 5:30. The group will carpool to the Toledo Museum of Art at 6:30 to attend a lecture by Bishop Daniel Thomas in conversation with Adam Levine.

"The Brilliance of Caravaggio" is an exhibit of four paintings by this renowned Italian artist and one of the few times that they have been on view together in the United States. Other paintings from the museums collection by French, Dutch and Spanish artists will be included in the exhibit.

Dinner guests are invited to see the exhibit on their own - which opens to the public on January 20 - April 14; however there will be a group led by local artist Michelle Paine, who will meet at TMA at 3:30 prior to dinner to view the collection, if you are interested.

We are excited to take advantage to hear Bishop Thomas and Adam Levine discuss the historic influence of Caravaggio. Dinner buffet will represent several food items illustrated in paintings from the exhibit. Reservations for dinner can

be made through or at the NCVA website. Cost for dinner is $25pp. Deadline to RSVP is

January 20.

HeART Gallery is located in St Paul's Lutheran Church 429 North Erie, downtown Toledo. Free parking is available in the KWIK lot adjacent to the building, which is handicap accessible.


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